Sunday, 10 May 2015

New Age = Satanism = New World Order


Hello beloved children of God. Please say a prayer for discernment before reading, watching or listening to anything.
The Age of Aquarius, The New Age

What is The NEW AGE Movement?
 The New Age Movement is a religious system with two basic beliefs: Evolutionary Godhood & Global Unity. Here is CARM's explanation.

Notice in the pagan logo above, they are worshiping the sun, worshiping the light (their light is Lucifer, which is Satan, as he is a fallen angel). It also represents... 

New Age: Mother Earth/Mother Nature & Goddess worship: Gaia created herself -
Ordo Ab Chao
order out chaos.


Right now, online, a virus is still spreading throughout the church and across the entire earth, like a cancer on humanity - it is the new age deception.
It corrupts the body, mind & soul. What can start out as a so-called 'awakening' or an entire sense of peace, love and healing spreading all throughout you, can lead you to the bi-polar demonic possession of extreme mood swings (especially when confronted with the truth of your new religion),
and unfortunately can march your feet right to the edge of a dark chasm of spiritual darkness that may separate you from your creator forever.
If you are not firmly rooted in God, and you have not yet confessed your sins and have not received Jesus Christ as your savior for paying the wage (death) of your sins, then you are also
Open To Demonic Possession.
DEMONS, FALLEN ANGELS - Sometimes Called 'Aliens'. Aliens? Yes, there will be an 'Alien' Deception.
These beings are roaming the earth right now. And as we are in the end times, their presence is getting and stronger, day by day.
  • bow down to satan (and give them free access to your body, mind & soul, your life and eventual destruction).
  • seek God through our saviour Jesus Christ (they are of the same) and receive life everlasting.

Evil's Beautiful Side - The New Age Is The Old Occultism.
New Age Sewage
The John Ankerberg show featured Dave Hunt (cult expert, occult researcher & author of The Seduction of Christianity) and Johanne Michaelsen (former occultist & author of The Beautiful Side of Evil) help expose the new age for what it really is.
Thanks, Awakened2Truth. Here is video 1 of that series:

In other words, NEW AGE is repackaged, sugar coated, ancient witchcraft.

Satan is the earth's best marketing guru - he can put lipstick on a pig, and most of the world will eat it up. In a world full of corruption, mass manipulation, the truth is a tiny voice in a pit of brooding vipers.

God breaks through that big fat vat of lies.
 We Need To Expose The New Age Cult For What It Is:

Why is the New Age Movement Dangerous?

What have you got to lose by asking Jesus Christ into your life Right Now?


"And we need to know that in these end times, we are seeing now the coming together of everything that the prophets have spoken about:
The orchestrating of a one world government
The orchestrating of a one world monetary system
A one world food authority...
But what is going to be the glue that holds it all together?
A one world religion."

- Johanna Michaelsen

BEWARE of These:
False doctrine, idolatry (includes fake images of Jesus - remember, we were forbidden to do this. Google: Sananda), light workers, astrology, psychics/divination, guided imagery, mental rehearsal (popular in sports visualization), NLP Neural Linguistic Programming, The Secret, Quantum Jumping, astral projection, bi-location, time stopping, time travel, remote viewing, mandalas, chanting, mantras, energy manipulation, coveting, vision board, witchcraft, ouija board, the church of Oprah Winfrey, A Course In Miracles, The Shack, Celestine Prophesy, horror fiction, Halloween, Christmas - all pagan holidays, secular music, secular TV radio video media, crystals, chakra work, channeling, ascended masters, Esther Hicks Abraham, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Jack Canfield Chicken Soup books, any 'good luck charms' & rituals, charisma movement, tai chi, theosophy, lucis trust, pokemon, ghost chasers, I Ching, martial arts, yin-yang, 8 ball, role playing, Harry Potter,...
I will add more! wordacrosstheworld3 "at"

Yoga: Shiva's (as in Shiva the destroyer) connection to yoga. Yoga is all about the Hindu religion. Your children are being taught this in school. And they push this in many corporate retreats and anger management courses. Doctors promote this. Even Christian leaders are promoting it to the church!
Meditation: including SA TA NA MA is the most important meditation in Kundalini yoga (Hello? Wake up!).
Here is an excellent video, from Brian Moonan:

The Dark Side of Yoga

You will also see the Kundalini spirit possess the Christian church! This is called the Charismatic Movement.

"The New Age Movement is Satanic"
Says The Church of Satan!
Evil Masquerading as Good!

In the scores of books lining the shelves of New Age bookstores, there are instructions for guided meditations, creative visualizations, out of body experiences, getting touch with your spirit guides, fortune telling by cards, crystal balls or the stars.

What if Satanists RECLAIMED these for their own dark purposes and integrated them into rituals dedicated to the devil, WHERE THEY RIGHTFULLY BELONG?

New Agers have freely DRAWN UPON all manner of SATANIC MATERIA, ADAPTING it to their own hypocritical purposes ... but in truth, all the 'new age' labeling is, again trying to play the Devil's game without taking His infernal name."

- Church of Satan Blanche Barton p. 107

Please watch this video by The Vigilant Christian:

 Testimony of Ex Satanist Priest, Stephen Dollins:

 I will add more info on this page.

Thank you for reading. Please pray for guidance. And please share this post.
May God bless you.
- Susan

 The Goal of the New Age New Order Satanic Cult
Ordo Ab Chao - Order out of Chaos


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