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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Homeless City Survival Part 1 - Internal Preparation

Homeless City Survival
Video Series
By Susan ChildofGod

Part 1
Internal Preparation

Before I begin, I just want to point out that there is a link in the video description box that has the main points to this video, so that you can print out the information if you wish to do so. It includes a disclaimer regarding any kind of medical issues that you may have (and other information).

The information in this page and in the video is provided for informational purposes; it is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. If you have a serious medical issue (e.g. diabetes), you need to have it addressed. Your health is your responsibility. Many social services can help cover some medical expenses - just ask them.

Learning To Deal With Hunger
It helps to get away from the notion that you must have '3 square meals a day'. Some people do better having tiny snacks throughout the day and/or incorporate a regular meal for dinner (several hours before bedtime). The growling in your stomach is not always due to hunger. It’s better to be a little bit hungry than it is to be full. Full can be useful if you are able to find a reasonable buffet or if you are given food that may go bad. I balance it out by maybe fasting the next day. Being overstuffed tends to drag down the energy levels.
Let go of emotional attachment to luxuries and addictions.

Fasting & Prayer
A Christian fast is when you go without food for a minimum of 24 hours. Water is recommended.  Pray from the heart. Take a bible with you. Or read one at a library or online. Read scripture. I read a KJV bible.

I am a Christian, so I am against the Satanic new age movement; therefore I will NOT promote meditation, chakra work, repetitious chanting in vain, or any related new age rubbish. I left that behind for good reason. And don’t be fooled, by the ‘contemplative prayer’ that many ‘Christians’ are promoting; it’s just another example of them wanting a full body spiritual experience that they think is from the Holy Spirit. Always discern the spirits.

When I say 'prayer', I don't mean that you have to memorize a certain prayer (for example when people use the rosaries). Talk to God from the heart. If you're not saved, you need to start building your relationship with Jesus Christ right now.

Focus on Your Goals

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (without the Illuminati pyramid propaganda. J

morality, creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, experience purpose, meaning and inner potential

confidence, achievement, respect of others, the need to be a unique individual

Love and Belonging
friendship, family, intimacy, sense of connection

Safety and Security
health, employment, property, family and social stability

Physiological Needs
breathing, water, food, shelter, clothing, sleep

Keep a notepad, a list of contacts and an agenda, a day-timer schedule to keep you on track of your goals. I’m not talking about vision boards or guided imagery – that’s all new age Satanic rubbish. Pen to paper, rubber to the road.

Focus on Helping Others
First off, if it’s an emergency, get help as soon as possible. Have your emergency information on hand. After life-threatening and urgent matters have been dealt with, you can go back to preventative measures. Then you can take the focus off yourself for a little while and focus on helping others. How is your appearance and hygiene – are you able to help out with serving meals or cleaning the dishes or tables at a community drop-in centre for the homeless. That’s just one example. Ask God how you can help others.

No matter how bad your situation is, there is ALWAYS someone that is a much worse state than you. I’m not saying this for you to take comfort in that fact. I’m saying this, all of this, to help you keep things in perspective.

Building a Relationship with God
Surrender your life and give up your love of sin; repent. Ask God for forgiveness in Jesus name. The wage of sin is death. Profess that you believe that the Word became flesh, Jesus Christ. He was crucified as the sacrificed for our sins. He is our saviour. He rose and ascended into Heaven. Jesus is God & He is alive! Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit. You will receive guidance and discernment. Many people receive additional blessings and gifts. But you must be sincere in your repentance.

Know that you may be tested. And the devil and his demons may come around to tempt you, most likely it will be related to your past sins.

Learn who you can trust. You don’t need to give out all of your information to anyone. If/when you go to a shelter, I don’t recommend that you put the burden of trust on a fellow shelter guest – everyone is going through something, including those who volunteer & work at the shelters.* Treat everyone how you would like to be treated. Your backpack is your pillow. Some shelters have a pastor or a shuttle to a local church.

* IMPORTANT: many shelters have specific counselors or can refer you to one, so that you can speak with someone who can help.

Put your trust in God. There is a better place than what this world has become. True Christians are prepared to live and die for our faith. Repenting, prayer and getting your life back on track should keep you busy & out of trouble.

More temptations: Opportunities may come your way for temporary shelter in the form of a relationship or fling. Right now, you’re better off single and focused. Fornication is a sin in God’s eyes. Making quick cash: again, opportunities may come your way, for example, medical research: I thought long and hard about this (because the offer was $1,000 CAD and upwards). But as a Christian, pharmakeia is witchcraft. I trust a Doctor to mend my broken bones (as a quick example) but I really don’t know what these pharmaceutical companies will be putting into my system and the side effects that might occur afterwards. Be careful, be safe. And think over these ‘quick fix’ ideas – they might just send you spiraling backwards and throw you right off track.

Thank you for watching and God bless. 


Please stay tuned for the NEXT video SOON:
Homeless City Survival, Video Series
Part 2 Getting Organized

- Susan ChildofGod

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Bible Tracts


This Post Will Be Updated
More Will Be Added

(Please go over them yourselves & pray for discernment)

On The Theory of Evolution:

False Religions

Roman Catholicism

Are Roman Catholics Christians?

The Awful Truth:

Is There Another Christ?


Allah Had No Son:

Camel's in the Tent

There are loads more of awesome Chick Tracts. Go over them with a fine tooth comb just like everyone that you come across elsewhere. Why? Read this. Why did I post them? For your discernment. And they can inspire you to make your own.

Evangelical Outreach, Printable Gospel Tracts:

Sunday, 10 May 2015

New Age = Satanism = New World Order


Hello beloved children of God. Please say a prayer for discernment before reading, watching or listening to anything.
The Age of Aquarius, The New Age

What is The NEW AGE Movement?
 The New Age Movement is a religious system with two basic beliefs: Evolutionary Godhood & Global Unity. Here is CARM's explanation.

Notice in the pagan logo above, they are worshiping the sun, worshiping the light (their light is Lucifer, which is Satan, as he is a fallen angel). It also represents... 

New Age: Mother Earth/Mother Nature & Goddess worship: Gaia created herself -
Ordo Ab Chao
order out chaos.


Right now, online, a virus is still spreading throughout the church and across the entire earth, like a cancer on humanity - it is the new age deception.
It corrupts the body, mind & soul. What can start out as a so-called 'awakening' or an entire sense of peace, love and healing spreading all throughout you, can lead you to the bi-polar demonic possession of extreme mood swings (especially when confronted with the truth of your new religion),
and unfortunately can march your feet right to the edge of a dark chasm of spiritual darkness that may separate you from your creator forever.
If you are not firmly rooted in God, and you have not yet confessed your sins and have not received Jesus Christ as your savior for paying the wage (death) of your sins, then you are also
Open To Demonic Possession.
DEMONS, FALLEN ANGELS - Sometimes Called 'Aliens'. Aliens? Yes, there will be an 'Alien' Deception.
These beings are roaming the earth right now. And as we are in the end times, their presence is getting and stronger, day by day.
  • bow down to satan (and give them free access to your body, mind & soul, your life and eventual destruction).
  • seek God through our saviour Jesus Christ (they are of the same) and receive life everlasting.

Evil's Beautiful Side - The New Age Is The Old Occultism.
New Age Sewage
The John Ankerberg show featured Dave Hunt (cult expert, occult researcher & author of The Seduction of Christianity) and Johanne Michaelsen (former occultist & author of The Beautiful Side of Evil) help expose the new age for what it really is.
Thanks, Awakened2Truth. Here is video 1 of that series:

In other words, NEW AGE is repackaged, sugar coated, ancient witchcraft.

Satan is the earth's best marketing guru - he can put lipstick on a pig, and most of the world will eat it up. In a world full of corruption, mass manipulation, the truth is a tiny voice in a pit of brooding vipers.

God breaks through that big fat vat of lies.
 We Need To Expose The New Age Cult For What It Is:

Why is the New Age Movement Dangerous?

What have you got to lose by asking Jesus Christ into your life Right Now?


"And we need to know that in these end times, we are seeing now the coming together of everything that the prophets have spoken about:
The orchestrating of a one world government
The orchestrating of a one world monetary system
A one world food authority...
But what is going to be the glue that holds it all together?
A one world religion."

- Johanna Michaelsen

BEWARE of These:
False doctrine, idolatry (includes fake images of Jesus - remember, we were forbidden to do this. Google: Sananda), light workers, astrology, psychics/divination, guided imagery, mental rehearsal (popular in sports visualization), NLP Neural Linguistic Programming, The Secret, Quantum Jumping, astral projection, bi-location, time stopping, time travel, remote viewing, mandalas, chanting, mantras, energy manipulation, coveting, vision board, witchcraft, ouija board, the church of Oprah Winfrey, A Course In Miracles, The Shack, Celestine Prophesy, horror fiction, Halloween, Christmas - all pagan holidays, secular music, secular TV radio video media, crystals, chakra work, channeling, ascended masters, Esther Hicks Abraham, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Jack Canfield Chicken Soup books, any 'good luck charms' & rituals, charisma movement, tai chi, theosophy, lucis trust, pokemon, ghost chasers, I Ching, martial arts, yin-yang, 8 ball, role playing, Harry Potter,...
I will add more! wordacrosstheworld3 "at"

Yoga: Shiva's (as in Shiva the destroyer) connection to yoga. Yoga is all about the Hindu religion. Your children are being taught this in school. And they push this in many corporate retreats and anger management courses. Doctors promote this. Even Christian leaders are promoting it to the church!
Meditation: including SA TA NA MA is the most important meditation in Kundalini yoga (Hello? Wake up!).
Here is an excellent video, from Brian Moonan:

The Dark Side of Yoga

You will also see the Kundalini spirit possess the Christian church! This is called the Charismatic Movement.

"The New Age Movement is Satanic"
Says The Church of Satan!
Evil Masquerading as Good!

In the scores of books lining the shelves of New Age bookstores, there are instructions for guided meditations, creative visualizations, out of body experiences, getting touch with your spirit guides, fortune telling by cards, crystal balls or the stars.

What if Satanists RECLAIMED these for their own dark purposes and integrated them into rituals dedicated to the devil, WHERE THEY RIGHTFULLY BELONG?

New Agers have freely DRAWN UPON all manner of SATANIC MATERIA, ADAPTING it to their own hypocritical purposes ... but in truth, all the 'new age' labeling is, again trying to play the Devil's game without taking His infernal name."

- Church of Satan Blanche Barton p. 107

Please watch this video by The Vigilant Christian:

 Testimony of Ex Satanist Priest, Stephen Dollins:

 I will add more info on this page.

Thank you for reading. Please pray for guidance. And please share this post.
May God bless you.
- Susan

 The Goal of the New Age New Order Satanic Cult
Ordo Ab Chao - Order out of Chaos

Salvation & Dealing With Demonic Attacks

We are NOT gods!
"We are all gods" is a lie from satan.
We are ALL Sinners. The Wage for Sin is Death. 
Jesus Christ has paid for our sins -
if we truly & heartfully seek Him.

HOW TO GET SAVED - Accept Jesus Christ as your savior:
- Hear the gospel (you can read the accounts of the gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament. I use KJV, King James Version).
- Believe the gospel
- Confess your faith: call upon the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (as there are many 'gods' that are worshiped by mankind. There is only one true God. The rest ALL lead to satan, including self worship; worshiping humanity, e.g. new age movement, theosophy,...) and confess with your mouth to God that Jesus Christ is your savior.

Here is an example of how to do this:

Dear God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
I know that I am a sinner and that the wage of sin is death.
I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, died in my place to pay the penalty for my sins. And that He was buried, and that He rose again on the third day according to the scriptures.

I ask you to help me to repent, 
[ Note: Confess your sins throughout any part of your prayers  ].
and to send the Holy Spirit into my life to guide me in all ways. I ask for clarity to study your word and discernment in all things & knowledge to test the spirits.
Thank you Father for loving me! In Jesus' name.

Fruits of Salvation (proof):
- to live in loving obedience to God; to walk the path of Jesus Christ, we must repent from our sinful lives. Warnings of backsliding are in the bible.
- many Christians become (re)baptized as adults as a loving act of obedience and a public declaration of their faith.

What is Salvation? (In 2 Minutes) - Paul Washer

With Jesus Christ we become a new creature. We call upon His strength through the trials & tribulations. We get back up and march forward. We persevere and help in the progress of the kingdom of God.

Sermon Jam II New Creature II Paul Washer


Please SHARE this photo & this entire message, repost,... We are in the end times. This message is quite URGENT!

Tomorrow is promised to no one. Please, before it is too

Thank you so much.


Backsliding Christian?
You give permission for evil to enter as soon as you sin (if you swear, have anger, steal, lie, fornicate (sex outside of marriage), if you have lust & temp others with lustful behavior, dressing like Jezebel (blouses that reveal even a little, clingy clothing, high cut skirts & shorts,... ), if you live for the sensual, are greedy, slothful, proud, if you covet, to withhold forgiveness...

You also open the door to possible direct demonic attacks, such as sleep paralysis and


FORGET what they are blabbering about 'aliens' (the 'alien' deception is in the bible - mankind has been planning this for ages - it is a tool to control you with fear, to unite humanity in a new world order: the new age movement - which may be renamed; you will know by their fruit).



With full force, FULL confidence,


If you cannot speak this aloud, then SCREAM it in your mind.

Here is another example from Warren Smith:
"Satan in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you to leave. I forbid your presence here. I claim the blood of Jesus Christ upon us, leave and go to where Jesus would send you!"

 Then have the peace of knowing that you will be with Jesus Christ in the end. Pray & seek forgiveness. Repent. Grow your faith stronger, day by day. Read the bible to get to know God

At one point when the apostles could not drive out demons, Jesus explained why:
Howbeit, this kind goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting.
Matthew 17:21


New Age = New World Order. They may come under different names. You will know if you pray for discernment.

The New Age Deception: to calm your fears, like a mother to a child, to boost your confidence & worship to yourself & humanity & nature instead of worshiping your creator, God.

Great EVIL is coming SOON.

The bible says that this evil will come
in the name of PEACE & LOVE.

It is the false, self-serving love of Cain.


In Love With Sin?
To go back to enjoying a sinful life clearly shows that you do not respect God and that you freely choose to go against God.
Repent, for the time is nigh! I will say it again... Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Don't die while in your sins - it will seal your choice.



These are demons. Please pray for discernment in all things. The bible warns, demons (fallen angels) may come in the form of light. There are many, many, people channeling demons (YouTube & elsewhere), and many do NOT even know it! Many do.

We are in the end times.

The bible warns of FALSE CHRISTS.

Read Revelation.


No idols: do not pray to crosses, statues, rosaries, STARS (on flags, pentagrams, etc.),... Do not get caught up in acquiring things of this world. Secular music is full of satan worshipers. TV as well. Video games, etc.

NO REMARRIAGE (except for widowhood). #adultery  

THE MEANING OF LIFE here on Earth: is to know your creator and make a choice:

- to take a bold stand for God (even if it means you will be killed for your faith). Praise the Lord! Be of good cheer - Jesus Christ won victory over death! We are going home to be with Him.

- to bow down to satan.

There are NO other choices. Anyone who says so has an agenda to sell you.

God wants the wheat of the harvest. The tares - he will burn.

May God bless you, child of God!

- Susan


#salvation   For all - heed God's word: #christians  #gays   #LGBTQ   #lonely   #suicidal   #sick    #dying  #birth   #truth   #addicts   ...